Hillandale Farms on Sustainability and Social Justice


 Hillandale Farms of Pennsylvania discusses sustainable practices and the importance of helping the needy.

Hillandale Farms: Sustainability and Social Responsibility

Many people are homeless for multiple reasons. They should never be blamed for their plight. It is the moral obligation of humans to help people in need. No matter how small the deed might be, it can change someone's life for the best. No one stays on the road by choice. Life can be cruel. According to Hillandale Farms, with everyone's help, circumstances can change overnight.


Hillandale Farms is a credible food production company located in Spring Grove, Pennsylvania, USA. Known for its sustainable farming practices, it provides eggs and egg products to the residents in the region. The esteemed company believes in the importance of farming sustainability to protect the environment and its ecosystems. Sustainability is central to its values and ethics.


Hillandale Farms deploys emerging and sustainable technologies and techniques. These boost the quality of life and health for its customers, the chickens it raises, and all the employees working on its farms.


The experts in the company are dedicated to protecting the ecosystem. They always go the extra mile to reduce their carbon footprint on the earth. They stay close to the farms to reduce this impact. In return, customers get fresh dairy products like butter, cheese, and eggs.



In the past, manure in chicken houses would remain there for at least five months. Hillandale Farms was one of the first companies in the US to introduce a belt system for cleaning these chicken houses daily. They pick up the manure and recycle them as a natural fertilizer for plants. Moreover, there are power fans that ensure the air quality is maintained all the time, and there are no spill-offs like polluted water to adversely affect the chickens and the other animals that are housed on the farms.


When it comes to washing eggs, the farms recycle the water and bring it back to the ground smartly with the help of a water treatment facility. This family-owned farm also values its employees, giving them insurance and employee benefits for their overall health and welfare.


Hillandale Farms wants to lend a helping hand to those who live in homeless shelters. The company knows it is challenging for the homeless to lead a decent life. This is why it has extended a helping hand to help them get back on their feet and lead a dignified life. They deserve all of the rights that everyone has, and they should never be blamed for their condition.


Moreover, Hillandale Farms donates without expecting anything in return. It knows its moral duty is to help the poor and needy. The company encourages others to help the homeless as well. In doing so, you might not get anything like recognition or monetary benefits in return, but morally it’s the right thing to do. 



HillandaleFarms handles everything from raising to caring for chickens except hatching eggs. The company only gets vegetarian feed and has developed many proprietary techniques and technologies to increase the safety and comfort of the chickens. Learn more about Hillandale Farms by clicking here.


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