Hillandale Farms: Why Should You Choose Cage-Free Eggs?

Hillandale Farms talks about the benefits of consuming eggs from cage-free hens.

Hillandale Farms on Purchasing Cage-Free Eggs

Eggs are often called nature's perfect food. Unfortunately, not all eggs are created equal. Walk down the aisle of your favorite supermarket, and you'll see all kinds of eggs: traditional white eggs, brown eggs, cage-free eggs, pastured eggs, and Omega-3 enriched eggs. Which one should you pick? Hillandale Farms lists several reasons why you should choose cage-free eggs.

Animal Welfare

According to Hillandale Farms, egg producers go the extra mile to ensure the peace of mind of consumers who care about the welfare of hens in commercial farms. They do this by ensuring the "cage-free" is on the carton. Egg producers also try to get certified by a regulating body like Humane Farm Animal Care, a nonprofit that ensures animal welfare on farms. 

Hillandale Farms observes that many companies use misleading marketing in the egg world. Some eggs labeled cage-free are produced in huge factories containing "combi-aviary systems," essentially big cages. Hens that are confined on factory farms aren't considered cage-free birds. Cage-free hens eat a healthy diet, have access to fresh water, and, most importantly, can roam freely. Humane Farm Animal Care does not certify eggs from factory farms.

Health Benefits

Hillandale Farms says that cage-free eggs pack a nutritional punch. It contains a healthy dose of Vitamins A, D, and E. One whole egg gives you 70 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acids and 6 grams of protein. In addition, eggs have high levels of lutein, which helps lower your risk of vision loss as you age. They also contain choline to support memory.

More Vitamin D

According to some studies, cage-free eggs contain more vitamin D than regular eggs in supermarkets. Vitamin D helps maintain strong bones. It also regulates insulin levels and improves your body's immune system. There aren't a lot of natural sources of vitamin D out there. So instead of taking daily supplements, you can consume hard-boiled eggs in the morning.

Fewer Chemicals

There are many safety and health concerns with eggs laid by hens that aren't cage-free. The European Food Safety Authority found that salmonella is more likely to be present in cage systems than cage-free ones. Cage-free eggs also have lower levels of chemical residue from insecticides, lower concentrations of contaminants, and fewer insect infestations.

Low Calories

One whole free-range egg only has 70 calories. You can fill up your tummy with a healthy scramble at breakfast every day without worrying about adding extra pounds. And thanks to the healthy combination of protein and healthy fats, you'll stay full until lunch.

Started in 1958 as an egg reselling company, Hillandale Farms now raises over 20 million chickens for eggs and is one of the top five egg producers in the United States. The family-owned and operated company prioritizes the safety and conditions of its birds. Read similar posts by visiting this blogsite


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